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Agriculture Valves


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We also provide superior quality products and customer Satisfaction at affordable price in global market. With the aid of skilled engineers we are able to develop such a wide array of products in Ahmedabad. As per our records analytics we are one the best manufacturer, supplier and exporter of agricultural valves in US, India, Indonesia, china, Malaysia, Canada, Japan, Philippines, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. The reasons why we are the best manufacturer of agricultural valves in Asia are that we manufacture our entire product range with international standard.


Q what is Agriculture Valves

The PP Agriculture Valve is suitable for drip irrigation system in various agricultural applications. These valves are able to bear high water pressure and are leak proof in nature. The PP Solid Valves are the valves that helps in controlling the flow of heavy powder, granular materials and heavy liquids.

Q What is the advantage of valves?

Valve - Advantages
Ball - high pressure, and high temp flow
Rugged construction and long service life
Low purchase and maintenance cost
Able to function without side loads

Additional Details