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Best Hair Transplant Clinic


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Like any surgery, there are pros and cons, and benefits and risks associated with having the Hair Transplant in Gujarat procedure done. Clion Care is a well-known brand for providing the best hair transplant in Gujarat. Our team consists of highly informed hair experts, doctors, and surgeons who have years and years of experience in performing various hair transplant procedures. Our surgeons use the latest tools and techniques for 100% safe and result-oriented hair transplants in Gujarat.

Hair Replacement in Ahmedabad, if you face intricacies of baldness and hair-fall and are looking for the best clinic and surgeon here in Ahmedabad then Clion Care – hair transplant clinic is the solution for you, with advanced hair treatments and affordable rates. With hair transplants, there are many important things to check and it should be done at the right time because it may seem a drastic step, but if your baldness is on an advanced level indeed hair replacement is a necessary step.


Q Is it a painful process?

You’ll probably feel pain or irritation at the transfer site as well as in the area where hair was taken from. If it is being done at the right clinic and by the right doctor, it is a 100% painless procedure, subjected to the local anesthesia.

Q Is it not long lasting?

The results of a hair transplant are long lasting and are considered to be permanent. The process is also time consuming and does includes a healing and recovery. Transplanted hair remains forever if transferred from the safe donor area, and at Clion we provide 24+ years of warranty.

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