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Clion Care Claimed

Best Hair Clinic In Ahmedabad

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Clion began in the year 2017 with the group of hair treatment specialists who had the expertise of the hair transplant industry. We are significant in Bio-Fue hair transplant for giving the best outcomes and 100% client assistance. We provide one to one consultations structured to your time scale. We generally believe our hair replacement and hair re-growth treatments are the best in the Industry.

Clion Care is nothing but the most effective, scientifically formulated and clinically proven centre which ensures the best hair and eyebrow transplant solutions for you. Our methods are state of the art of finely tuned to give you the best result possible.

Our aim is to provide maximum hair growth for each individual associated with us. Our clinic looks after men and women with all ages suffering from baldness. Each hair replacement procedure is managed by professionals who have personally experienced Hair Transplantation and understand the treatments involved. We routinely use the sessions (> 5500 grafts per sitting) and make use of the approved system. You can come to us with any baldness problem and we can provide a solution for it.


Q Can Hair Transplant Surgery affect brain?

Hair Transplant is a surgery that involves only the skin of the scalp. It doesn’t go below the skin neither comes in contact with any part of the brain.

Q Is it a painful process?

If it is being done at the right clinic and by the right doctor, it is a 100% painless procedure, subjected to the local anesthesia.

Q Is it not long lasting?

Transplanted hair remains forever if transferred from the safe donor area, and at Clion we provide 24+ years of warranty.