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Dr. Rex's Disinfection Service Provider in Ahmedabad for Residential and Commercial


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Dr. Rex has been in the business of controlling pests for more than 32 years now. We have controlled termites in thousands of homes and buildings in Ahmedabad and at other various places in Gujarat. Besides doing pest control treatment for homes, we have also served different kinds of premises such as hotels, restaurants, factories, households, offices and hospitals. Our field force is also well educated and is quality conscious. They are trained by Government Institutes and also in our Company. We use the latest technology for insecticides, to which the pests have not become immune. We are fully equipped with modern appliances and capable of rendering this service under direct supervision of our competent technical personnel.

For more Details Visit – https://drrex.in/


Q Can I do my own mosquito control?

Residual sprays can also be applied with simple hand-held pump sprayers or using ready-to-use insecticide bottles designed to attach to the end of a garden hose. ... Nevertheless, even do-it-yourself sprays around the backyard can help reduce the numbers of biting mosquitoes for days after application.

Q Can you do mosquito control yourself?

Some naturally derived oils, such as peppermint, camphor and citronella, can be mixed with water and used as a spray to help repel mosquitoes. Oils such as eucalyptus and lavender can be lightly applied directly to the skin to prevent mosquitoes from landing to bite.

Q What deters house ants?

Sprinkle cinnamon, mint, chili pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves, or garlic in the area where you've seen the ants. Then, treat your home's foundation in the same manner. Placing bay leaves in cabinets, drawers, and containers can also help to deter ant.

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