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Imported Marble, Granite


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Rocks Studio is one of the leading places in Gujarat dealing in Imported Marble, Granite, Sand Stone and all kinds of natural stones from all over the world. We do all kinds of the process in-house. We don’t sell stone but the concept for your home, office, farmhouse, corporate house among others. Rocks Studio have experience of 10 years and more in the Industry.

For more Details Visit – https://granitemarble.co.in/


Q Is marble OK for kitchen backsplash?

In the kitchen, marble is often used on countertops and backsplashes. A marble backsplash can look very elegant and stylish but, given the characteristics of the material, requires constant maintenance. ... Still, their unique color tones can also be used to give a kitchen backsplash a stand-out look

Q Is a marble backsplash a good idea?

It's a great way for homeowners to enjoy the look of marble with a lower cost, and less worry when it comes to maintenance. Here's another plus — a backsplash using marble tile is one of the best ways to add personality to your home. You can be creative, and use marble tile in exciting, unique ways!

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