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Stainless Steel Fittings


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Established in the year 2009 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We “Gujarat project” highly demand in the market for Manufacturing, Supplying, Wholesale Trading the best quality Stainless Steel Pipes, Stainless Steel Bars, Stainless Steel Wires, Stainless Steel Sheets, Stainless Steel Fitting, Stainless Steel Angels, Stainless Steel Flats, Stainless Steel Round Bar, Stainless Steel Rod etc.

We always try to make a mutually beneficial and long term relationship with our client. Offered Stainless Steel Fittings are Highly utilized in various industries like chemical industry, cement, construction, Fertilizers, Petrol chemical, power generation and many more. 


Q Can stainless steel survive in water?

There is a misconception about stainless steel in that it doesn't rust or corrode when exposed to water, specifically sea water. Stainless steel can in fact rust and corrode if continuously exposed over time. Stainless steel is a far better material choice than carbon steel or aluminum for these applications.

Q What is stainless steel good for?

Fire and Heat Resistance – Special high chromium and nickel-alloyed grades resist scaling and retain high strength at high temperatures. Stainless Steel is used extensively in heat exchangers, super-heaters, boilers, feedwater heaters, valves, and mainstream lines as well as aircraft and aerospace applications.

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